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Explanation of Scholastic Grades:

The basic guidelines for daily grades, marking period grades, and final grades in every class are as follows:

  • A = 93 -100%
  • A- = 90 - 92%
  • B+ = 87 - 89%
  • B = 83 - 86%
  • B- = 80 - 82%
  • C+ = 77 -79%
  • C = 73 - 76%
  • C- = 70 - 72%
  • D+ = 67 - 69%
  • = 63 - 66%
  • D- = 60-62%
  • = 0 - 59%

The student has earned a grade for any one of the reasons listed under each letter indicated below

The student has:
1. Demonstrated outstanding performance
2. Maintained high test results
3. Shown superior interest by doing extra work -research projects, etc.


The student has:
1. Demonstrated above average or typical performance
2. Maintained good quality test results, projects, class work, etc.


The student has:
1. Demonstrated average or typical performance
2. Met minimum standards in basic skill subjects
3. Met the basic requirements of the course


The student has:
1. Performed at a below average level
2. Met minimum standards with effort
3. Exhibited effort, but is unable to meet minimum standards of the course


The student has:
1. Not performed in relation to his/her potential
2. Not met the standards established for the course

Honor Roll

Students earning a weighted grade/point average of 3.0 or higher will be designated as honor roll students. The grade point average is derived by multiplying the grade point times the credit, then dividing the sum of the grade points by the total number of credits. Major subjects are one credit, all others are one half credit.

  • Distinguished Honor roll status is earned by a GPA of 4.0.
  • High Honors status is earned by GPAs of 3.5 to 3.999.
  • Honor Roll status is earned by GPAs of 3.0 to 3.499.

Students earning honor roll status twice in the school year receive a Martin Meylin bumper sticker. Three time honor roll students in the school year receive a Martin Meylin license plate.