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Martin Meylin front entrance at sunset
boy in school

Welcome to Martin Meylin!

Martin Meylin Middle School is literally and figuratively nestled between Hans Herr Elementary School and L-S High School. It's home to nearly 650 students in grades six through eight. The school was built in 1967 as one of the first to incorporate team teaching, a practice that continues today. 

News & Events

There's always something happening at Martin Meylin Middle School. Check in often for a complete listing of district and building events plus news and announcements about our students and staff.

Latest News

Mamma Mia

LSHS will stage the hit musical Mamma Mia! from February 27- March 1 at the PAC. Tickets are on sale now.

Upcoming Events

Growing and Learning

The three years that students spend at Martin Meylin Middle School are filled with growth and discovery. Students explore a range of new subjects, including foreign language and technology education. They also have an opportunity to nurture their interests through school-supported activities.

WEB Orientation for Sixth Graders

In the late summer, incoming sixth graders attend a WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) orientation led by staff members and eighth-grade mentors.

Team Teaching

Each grade is divided into two teams, each with a group of dedicated core subject teachers. It's our way of bridging the gap between elementary school classes and the block-based high school program.


The District's band and orchestra programs expand in middle school with concert ensembles, competitions, and opportunities to march in parades.


Each December, the community looks forward to the Martin Meylin Middle School musical. For students, it's a chance to get on stage, or backstage, to indulge a love of theater.


School-sponsored sports begin in seventh grade, and many students join junior high soccer, football, field hockey, cross country, basketball, wrestling, and track & field teams.